
water your rose

Pelvic steaming is an antique natural remedy said to cleanse the vagina and the uterus. Pelvic steaming has become rebirth of healing with healthy benefits. This ancient practice combines herbs, steam and relaxation. Natures essential oil is delivered where your vagina tissues will meet the warm steam allowing your whole body to relax and connect with nature.

pelvic steaming

It’s ancient practice  combines herbs, steam and relaxation creating a steam that carries medicinal benefits.

Steam & Flourish

 Pelvic steaming AKA  Yoni steaming.

It is known to relieve stress,depression, PCOS, uterine fibroids , infection , infertility and hormone imbalances.  Treats post partum conditions. Maintain healthy odor. Boost Low Libido. Release emotional pain trauma and negative energy trapped in the Sacral  and Root Chakars.  Between menstruation, sexual intercourse and child birth our yoni is indomitable she is POWER!





2010 South Parson Ave
Brandon, FL 33510

Opening time

Mon – Thu: 6:00 PM – 11:00 PM
Fri – Sat : 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Sun : 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Phone number


Email address


Our services

We provide a variety of detox services to help our clients relax and get the most out of their day. Our therapists are trained in a variety of techniques, so stop by today to find out more!


Glutes detox

Remove dead skin help to eliminate red pimples and dark marks on your butt cheeks help to smooth skin.


Ionic Foot detox

Ionic Foot detox said to work by pulling the toxins out of your body through your feet process  of exchange


Lingham Steam for men

For men it detoxifies and rejuvenates. It also aids in relaxing tense muscles and / or inflammation. 


Teeth Whitening

Did you know that you could have your smile brightened about 5-10 shades in as little as 20 minutes?

Best Steaming Spa